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Twenty-five percent of 2015 is HISTORY! (Y2D281-298)

How can one quarter of the year be past? On the other hand, three quarters is yet to come!

The weather is improving day by day and pictures of the sunsets and sunrises are becoming more frequent.

The Midge Flies are almost a thing of the past. Good riddens! The relics of these tiny critters are pasted to the outside window of our front door.

One of my BFFs is in town for a week and we were able to get together for lunch. What fun times catching up on water under the bridge. We met when we were teenagers and have remained friends throughout college in different places, marriage, kids, and many miles between us.

We have been talking more frequently about getting back on the road. We renewed our Thousand Trails membership and plan on going to Lake Conroe at the end of the month.

I compiled a 'book' on Shutterfly for our big trip last spring. They had a great promotional offering for a 20 page book and the options were wide open. I was so excited to put it together and surprise Tony with it. It came out even better than I thought.

My effort to work my way through the 99 Dishcloth patterns is about to come to an end. There are less than a half dozen to go. Then I will go back to my favorites to add to our efforts. We have filled orders for two chapters of Meals on Wheels in our area so far.

I finally finished the book A Bittersweet Season . . . about caring for elderly parents. It is a vey insiteful book. I would highly recommend it to anyone who is faced with caring for their elderly parents.

This morning Tony, Jack, and I took the trash down to the dumpster. On the way back we found a nest that had blown out of one of the palm trees. So I decided to put the egg Sharon brought me into it and take some pictures . . . it was a fitting place for the egg.

Deleavening is almost complete . . . I had my first matzo this morning . . . I love them with butter and salt! Yum!!!

To Do List is set up and printed for the month and I must be more diligent to keep up with my goals. I remember the message at the Feast that God cannot bless something we do not do. Nike got it right . . . just do it!

Spring is always a great time to reorganize in addition to cleaning. This week has included filing the stack of papers, organizing a notebook of new crochet and knit patterns (using some need stick on, colorful, heavy-duty tabs I found on clearance), filing old tax papers in the storage, and thinking about my resolutions for the year. Putting them down on paper is the best way for me to remind myself from time to time.

This is one of my favorite panorama pics from the last month . . . see you in a few . . .

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