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Finally the sun revisits . . . (Y2D270-280)

We have had more gray days than not but it looks like the sun might be making a rebound. The snow in the NE is melting and the rivers are overflowing. Hopefully the cold is behind us and warm days are ahead. The ground is soggy from all the rain we have received, however, you won't find me complaining. We (Texas) needed the rain.

Tony's progress is great. The doctor was pleased and warned him of the danger of hernias if he overdid it. He has a fatty liver . . . the result of eating too many calories and not burning them off. Dr. Mason said he should lose some weight, otherwise scarring will increase. Right now he is in good shape but ignoring the situation would be detrimental.

While passing the gray days and 'nursing' Tony I have knitted and crocheted some preemie caps . . .

I have some sunset pics from the 13th . . . one of the beautiful evenings among gray.

Babe got a bath yesterday and I received a doggie cussing because of it. If she had teeth I am not sure I would have survived. It took a while to get her dry. I put the small heater in front of her bed. When she would get tired from fussing at me she would nap on dry towels in front of the heater.

When she awoke I would get the brush and started on her head. By the time I finished here tail it took all afternoon. Jack was on his best behavior hoping he was dodgning a bullet. He will get his today.

Now she looks like a black caterpillar again.

Mom is doing therapy for her shoulder again. It is taking a LONG time for it to improve.

We have reservations at Orange Beach for Memorial Weekend . . . Rudy and Mary are going with us. Tony has been talking about places he wants to go so I am sure it won't be long before we will be on the road again.

I have also used my time in the RV to reorganize some spaces . . . the one in the bedroom over the chest of drawers and the storage area under the cafe seats at the table. Even as small as the RV is there is always need for reorganization . . . for convenience and efficiency.

Perhaps the last of the chili and stew have been made for a while. I made Reuben sandwiches yesterday and plan on grilling steaks soon.

So glad spring arrives on Friday.

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