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Sunrise in the museum . . . (Y2D254)

This morning was a gorgeous morning for sunrises . . .

. . . I was much better at leveling the camera with the tripod. There are so many moving parts on that contraption. There are more pictures but they were still downloading so I am just settling on these and the others will probably go into FB.

After finishing up the pictures, I dressed for my bike ride and decided to take Jack for a short spin before I took my long ride. He did a great job staying on one side or another. Of course, he had a little more pep on the way out than the way back. There were some ducks by the pond he wanted to chase on the way out. On the way back . . . he just trotted on by. At one point we had a truck coming toward us and I stopped, got him on the side of the road and had him sit until the truck passed. It was a great moment.

When I got back from my ride about 45 minutes later, I chatted with Mom and then showered, dressed and got ready for Tony's pre-op appointment for his gallbladder surgery.

Tony had the nurse who preregistered us rolling on the floor. I told her there was never a dull moment in our house.

We are back, finished off the stew, washed all the dishes, Tony took Jack for a golf cart ride, and the afternoon is free. Dinner will be hamburgers tonight. I wish it was warm enough to eat outside. The sun is shining but the temp is still a little cool.

Now that my webpage is published I am doing an online class for HTML. Between that and crochet, reading a book, etc. the day passes fast.

A yacht cruised by last night and this was the best picture I could get . . .

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